Tuesday, April 7, 2020

April 7, 2020

Oh, my goodness. It's been a year? Worse, it's now a weird world. How do I focus on this piece in this crazy time? Maybe just mention a few bits and pieces of how the past year went.

  • read over 100 books last year -- Yay! Enjoyed so many that were out of my usual preferences
  • move to advance level in Tai Chi
  • lost my last furry friend, Shadow, in December 2018
  • stopped writing, including writing letters, my most favorite way of communicating
  • developed more and more severe allergies and struggled with bronchitis for over five months now; have a very annoying, aggravating, blah, blah, blah cough that will not go away!  
  • because of above, had to stop going to classes and meetings except those online -- miss them

So, this is me and my life for now.  Like many, I am trying to make a new life out of a restricted structure with health issues compounding it. Not a fan of being hobbled, so I am constantly on the lookout for fun things people are doing (and there are many!) and am trying a few.  Started making all kinds of recipes and meals I haven't made before or in a long time. Happy results most of the time. Also, decided to start wearing my "good" clothes everyday, clothes I usually wear out in public or for special occasions. I'm really enjoying this!

Well, a brief update. Hope to start writing more (deja vu, eh?) here and elsewhere. And reading more. Finished a mystery last night: Tea Cups and Carnage by Lynn Cahoon. A fun read with a very interesting twist! 

Well, need to eat since I haven't eaten since tea and a bagel this morning. Sigh. Have a wonderful day!


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