Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday silliness and sanity

Huck cleared the driveway, so I ran my errands. Discovered that one text msg cost me $20+! Tried to get it removed, but only got a machine. Modern world sure has its advantages for companies. Got the oil changed and the tires rotated -- they lost 5 lug nut covers and there was nothing I could do. Day just kept getting worse. By now, I feel like my chakras are totally out of whack. Kept adding to my pain by going on Myspace and cking out the kids. R looks like his Uncle Dave; heavy and bloated. The girls look like typical teenagers, kinda trampy, yet beautiful. K's site had two pics with B and her big phony smile. Bleah!

Computer is annoying again so will call somebody Monday. Talked to CB Friday (he called me) and afterwards the same ole same ole feelings slammed into me. He's right. We can't be friends because he doesn't want to be. As much as I want to believe we're okay, I have to accept that he doesn't want me in his life. So, my New Year's resolution should help. I've made a promise to myself that I will stop thinking about him and never talk about him with anyone, including to myself. If I can blot him out of my thoughts like he has me, I won't be at risk of ever bothering him again. Weird, I know, but one can't help one's weirdness, eh? God I miss Richard.

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