Saturday, July 21, 2018

July 21, 2018
Back again! June flew by. This year I celebrated a BIG birthday! I was going to celebrate by doing something really special, but the Sunday before, Father's Day, I went hiking at Clark Reservation with Susan. We had pretty much finished, deciding not to do the last leg of the hike (we'd been walking for almost 2 hours).

At the end of the Table Rock trail, we came to a spot where one has to jump about 2' to get off. One of the young guides insisted on helping me and I accepted although it flashed through my mind I shouldn't (reminder: listen to my inner voice). Anyway, she sort of took hold of my fingers and I started down. My foot slipped on the rock (I hadn't slipped once before and it is quite a long bunch of rocks) and I started to fall. She let go of me and I fell this way and that, ending up on my left foot. Ouch! I'd had enough, so did not want to go to the emergency room (and never thought of going to an Urgent Care site -- dang!), so asked Susan to take me home. She wanted to stop, so I compromised with a stop at Carvel's in Dewitt. Delicious!

Went to the dr. Tuesday when I realized it really looked horrible (black, red, very, very swollen) and was extremely painful. Yay! No broken bones, just a very bad sprain. The NP wrapped it and sent me home. Put ice on it -- hilarious! Ever put an ice pack on an ankle? It won't fold around of sit for very long and IT HURTS the bruise. Left the wrap on for two days, then noticed my toes were turning a lovely blue shade, so took it off. Since then, I've wrapped it lightly off and on. 

Still, the week went by quickly and okay, and my birthday was fine. Got a few cards and calls, but not a single one of either from a family member. No surprise, I know, but still...... Got a call from a friend I hadn't heard from in over a year and a card from a childhood friend who very randomly sends me one, so I never know about her. I write her occasionally (well, used to), but she never writes back. I faithfully sent her a birthday card every year, but because she seldom sent me one, I stopped. Then she started sending me one nearly every year. What? Very odd.

Still going to figure out some trip and place to go and just do it. Have to plan because Shadow's (cat) health issues have worsened and he takes more medication.  

Talked to Joan several times recently. She says she's really interested in moving up here or somewhere in between Bingo and here in the very near future. She had asked me to send her info for places, but I hesitated, then never did. I did not want her telling her kids that I had sent her the stuff without bothering to say she asked for it (I'm learning, eh?). Anyway, she called to talk about this, so I just suggested she write down names and I went on line and looked up places in several towns. We'll see if she bothers to call or email them

Still working on trying to live my best life, however many years I may have left.  I've got to stop letting my grief keep my inactive. Missing Richard is okay, I just can't let it limit me. To that end, I finally called a grief counselor again, and she scheduled me the very next day (yesterday). Good visit. She mostly listened, but was very kind and respectful. I like her style.

Lots of stuff to do around the house. The plumber got the kitchen sink issue resolved (very expensively, sorry to say). So, now I need to get bids/information for repairing or replacing the roof, repairing the deck and spraying the fence. Also, need to get the snow thrower and mower serviced because Huck is no longer able to do anything. 

Fran and I are finally going to get together next week to celebrate my birthday. Going to see a review of Buddy Holly songs (I think it's one guy, but not sure). Should be fun!