The day before Richard's birthday. Been a tough year (two?). Last December, Joey died; Chuck (Richard's cousin and our friend) also died. I still grieve for Joey and think fondly of both men. Chuck and Richard were very close when young and when Rich and I first dated. Rich's parents helped Chuck when his wife was very ill, often taking meals over for Chuck and the kids. Chuck's parents were long gone, so Perry and Doris' kindess was greatly welcomed, especially since we no longer lived in that area.
Been struggling with loss ever since Joe died. I can only think that it is due in part to missed opportunities. I was actually going to visit Joe and Frank this year. Probably not at Derby time because there is always so much going on I don't get to spend a lot of time with them. And, of course, I doubled back to missed opportunities with Rich. Ugh!
So, what's new? After a lousy fall and winter (sickness, family issues, deaths, grief, more sickness), I signed up for courses this semester. Back to book clubs/groups. I attend only a couple, but read the books for four. Still having trouble with my vision (after the cataract surgery); some days, my eyes just don't feel good while reading, and even get headaches after just a little while of reading.
Shadow is hanging in there. Or should I say doing well for a 19-year old cat with hyperthyroidism and kidney disease? He's been a blessing despite his big paws which carry litter all over the house and the never-ending struggle to get his pills down his throat twice a day! He's napping at my side as I type, which is another blessing because he has picked up the habit of walking across the keyboard. Crazy!
A beautiful day even though the temp is too high for this area this time of year. It's okay, though, because the humidity is low--yay! Stopped in The Distillery for coffee and apple crisp while a friend's car was in for maintenance. Brought up an interesting discussion about coffee out today: in most restaurants, it is not hot enough. It wasn't today; she nuked it to warm it up. Sometimes it's bitter (it was today). I drink coffee out because no one (except me) makes a decent cup of tea today. Tea out is usually awful, partly because no one boils the water anymore and also because most of the teas are run-of-the-mill tea bags. No thank you! The apple crisp was wonderful, though.
Well, another entry, another promise: I am going to try and write on this with some regularity. I daren't promise every day though I hope to do so. So, off to write some letters -- I'm way behind on replying to people, also. Grief. It really did take over my soul. Wish me well. Best.